Friday, 13 September 2013

Research and Takhreej of a Hadith( In admiration of Sham)

Research and Dischagre (Takhreej) of a Hadith narrated in excellence/admiration of People of Sham

In the books of Hadith Muhaditheen has regular/normal formed chapters from the topic of ''Excellence of Sham '' In which traditions have been narrated in support and virtue of Sham and Its people. Among these traditions one of tradition is quoted by Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal in his Musnad and Imam Abu Dauood al-Sajastaani in his Sunan and Imam Tabrani in his Mu'ajam with this chain.

حدثنا حيوة بن شريح الحضرمي، حدثنا بقية، حدثني بحير، عن خالد بن معدان، عن ابن أَبي قتيلة، عن ابن حوالة ۔ قَال: قَال رسول الله صلى الله علَيه وسلم: سيصير الأمر إِلَى أَن تكونوا جنودًا مجندة جند بالشام، وجند باليمن، وجند بالعراق قَال ابن حوالَة: خر لي يا رسول الله إن أَدركت ذلك، فَقَال: عليك بالشام، فَإنها خيرة الله من أَرضه، يجتبي إلَيها خيرته من عباده، فأَما إن أَبيتم، فعليكم بيمنكم، واسقوا من غدركم، فَأن الله توكل لي بالشام وأَهله ۔

It is narrated from Abdullah bin Hawala that Holy Prophet (saw) said ; '' Soon you will be divided into number of  armies/forces . One army will be in Sham second in Iraq , third in Yemen .''

Hazrat Abdullah say ; I stood up and requested Messenger of Allah (saw) that among these armies/forces Which of these armies do you advise us to be in?’” He said, “I command you to be in the army that will be in Sham and with the people of Sham.”'' Then He (saw) said ; '' Because Sham  is the best-loved land of Allah ,Groups of servants of Allah will be unified towards this land and the person who refuse to join Sham’s army may go to Yemen and satiate from its waters .Remember ALLAH has given me the surety of Sham and its people.

Analysis Of Chain:

The chain of this Hadith is authentic and all narrators in this chain are thiqa. Baqya al-Waleed is a mudallis narrator in its chain but his tadlees is not detrimental here because Waleed has not narrated from the word 'ana'ana (عنعنہ) here rather He has specified his hearing with words 'hadassni' (حدثنی) and 'hadassna' (حدثنا ) therefore in the light of art of expression (term) this tradition of Baqya bin Waleed is sahih as Sheikh al-Baani also ordered its strength in research of Sunan Abu Dawood.

Idleness of Sheikh Shoaib al-Arnoot:

Against Sheikh al-Baani researcher of Musnad Ahmed Sheikh Shoaib al-Arnoot in the research of Musnad Ahmed has called the chain of this tradition dae'f. Therefore researcher Sheikh Shoaib al-Arnoot said about the weakness of above mentioned tradition's chain:

وهذا إسناد ضعيف، بقية- وهو ابن الوليد- يدلّس ويسوي، وقد عنعن

Musnad Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal  Hadith No 17005 Publisher Mousas al-Risala’

Researcher Sheikh Shoaib al-Arnoot has weakened the hadith because of Baqya bin Waleed being mudalis . Shoaib al-Arnoot says that its chain is weak because Baqya bin Waleed is a mudalis narrator and has narrated from the word 'ana’ana' therefore its chain is dae'f.


In our eyes weakening of this hadith by Sheikh al-Arnoot is due to his obsess and mistrust. Sheikh misunderstood and had obsess of mudalis narrator narrating from the word 'ana’ana' because we have earlier specified that Baqya bin Waleed in this chain has not narrated from the word 'ana'ana’ rather with ‘hadassni’ has specified his hearing as the specification is clearly present in chain therefore weakening of this hadith by Sheikh al-Arnoot is wrong as per rules.

Researched by Ismael Deobandi and Translated by Imamia Revealing the Truth

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Lies Targeting Sayyed Fadallah R.A

Asslaam Alaikumm

Sayyed Fadlullah was a great man and great role model for the Islamic World.Even though Sayyed Fadlullah was a Shia he also inspired many Muslims of other Islamic sects and he was also an inspiration to Non-Muslims.Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah was a source of inspiration and a spiritual guide for hundreds of thousands of followers whocould not hold back their tears at the news of his death.His influences extended way beyond Lebanon's borders, extending even toCentral Asia. Sayyed Fadlullah was considered a unique moderate force in thetop ranks of the Shia Religious establishment

There are great lies targeting and negotiating Sayyed Fadallah r.a and one of them was as under , I am copying the material of Ibrahim Mustafa who wrote the book Lies Targeting Grand Ayatullah Fadallah ra and gives solid answers to dunces

Story of the breaking of the rib of Sayyida Al Zahra (as)

The issue of Sayyida Al Zahra is something that has reached such a disturbinglevel.I have a personal opinion that this issue is not that important, so
why don’t we focus instead on the life that Sayyida Zahra (as) led, and how powerful shewas.
But other scholars don’t rememb er Sayyida Al Zahra (as) in any way exceptthrough the issue of breaking her rib.The Sayyed discussed this issue in many of his sermons, knowing that he doesnot fully deny it, as he says that it could have happened, but most likely it didnot, and the Sayyed explains why.

The following are the exact words of Sayyed Fadlullah

When we celebrate the birth anniversary of Sayyeda Az-Zahra(as), we oughtto be aware that she led a life flourished with purity, piety and virtue.However, the problem is that many people only remember the tragic aspect of Az-Zahraa ’s life, and ignore her supreme traits, as in the narration that her rib was broken; the thing which does not seem logical to us.


Some people accuse me of not believing in the story that the rib of Az-Zahra'was broken as if this story is one of the principles of religion.Let us look into the matter together.Az-Zahra' (a.s.) is the wife of Imam Ali, whom the Messenger (p.) has entrustedhim with, and the entire nation loves her because of the way the Messenger(p.) used to praise her, as we will mention later.Indeed, when Imam Ali (a.s.) refused to pledge allegiance [to Abu Bakr], theydid come and threaten to burn the house down, but some people renouncedsuch an act and said that Fatima was inside it, which reveals that the Muslimscould not accept executing this act against the Messenger's daughter.Someone said: "So what!"and continued to say

not knowing if it is true or not."I have only threatened, but have you seen me do it?"Supposedly they did attack Az-Zahra', what was the role, then, of Imam Ali?Could Imam Ali (a.s.) be a coward?!Let each of you take himself as an example, you are married.Suppose that someone tried to attack your wife to kill or assault her, wouldyou sit down and say: "I can do nothing, only Allah has such a power," or wouldyou defend her?!If you do not defend your wife, what will the people say about you?Moreover, Imam Ali was not alone in the house; a group of Bani Hashim werein the house with him, and it is narrated that Az-Zubair, the cousin of Imam Ali,went out raising his sword, meaning that the attackers did not storm into thehouse.Could it be possible that those inside would leave Az-Zahra', allowing theattackers to break her rib, poke her with the sword, and insert a rusty nail intoher chest, as they say?! Open your minds and think.Some people claim that the Prophet ordered him not to defend her; that is,before his death, he told Ali: if someone comes to kill my daughter, you areforbidden from defending her!Can a rational reasonable person ever imagine that the Prophet (p.) would doso?!Some claim that the offenders were ordered to attack, because Ali wasordered by the Prophet not to react.Could this be true?!Could the Prophet order Ali not to defend his beloved daughter?!

That is why I reached the conclusion that I am not convinced by this issue.Nevertheless, you still hear people wondering how the Sayyed could notbelieve in this.It must be noted that Az-Zahra' (a.s.) was so strong, as we will demonstratelater, but I would like the people to think, knowing that many of them onlycare about crying, even if what they are listening to is irrational.You listened to what I said, and I ask you to think clearly; if the same happenedto you, would you accept it?!Surely no, so how could anyone believe that Imam Ali would accept it?!Someone from a different sect in Dubai heard this story from Shiite speakers,and asked:"Do you Shiites regard Imam Ali as a coward or a hero?"They answered: "He is a hero."The man asked: "How could he be a hero, and he did not defend theoppressed?!

Source :

Her grievances

The short life of Fatimah (as), which lasted no more than twenty yearsaccording to some historians, was filled with much sufferings and grave crises.If we talk about the sufferings and hardships in her daily living, we also need totalk about what was worse than that: the calamities and grievances which shesuffered after the death of her father - something which opened a bleedingwound in the Islamic nation, and which in turn was the cause of the painfulwounds that followed - one of the worst of which was the murder of theMaster of the Youth of Paradise Imam al-Husain (as) and his progeny in thedesert of Karbala' and the taking of the women and children as captives to al-Sham (Damascus), driven like slaves.

These grievances have been narrated by both the Sunnis and Shi'ah, and the numerous narrations which speak abouther grievances and injustices coincide, even to the level of tawatur.1- The attack on her houseHistorians, one of whom is Ibn Qutaybah in al-Imamah wal Siyasah, said that -after the death of the Prophet and Al-Saqeefah episode - men came withwood to burn down the house of Ali and Fatimah (as), to threaten them andthose whom they considered as opposition, who had gathered at the house of Ali (as). Some said to the leader of the assault: 'O man! In the house isFatimah!'; and Fatimah was the person whom the Muslims agreed to love andrespect, and whose position they agreed to acknowledge, because she was theonly daughter that the Prophet (pbuh) left when he died, and because she waspart of him - what made her angry made him angry and what harmed herharmed him... So, how come you come with fire to burn her house?But, he replied with his famous statement: 'Even though!'We regard this as one of the most dangerous utterances, because it meansthat there are no sacred entities in this house, and so there is nothing toprevent it from being burned with its people inside!

This utterance points to the mindset of the people, and what they wereprepared to do. However, had they opened the door to dialogue through nicewords, they would have found Ali the man of dialogue, as he had always beenthroughout his life, even after he became a caliph; and they would have foundFatimah a woman of dialogue, because the Qur'an, to which Fatimah above allothers adhered most closely to, was the book of dialogue. However, thosepeople had already passed the stage of dialogue by the time they gathered thewood to burn the house of Al-Zahra (as). So when in reply to 'In the house isFatimah', that man said 'Even though!' this represented the ugliest form of injustice to which Fatimah (as) was subjected

2- Other grievances

There were other events in which she suffered, but they have not always beensubstantiated fully beyond doubt. Those include the actual burning of the house, the breaking of her rib, the miscarriage, the slapping of her cheek, andthe beating of her and others. These are recorded in narrations that may havequestion marks raised against them, either in their actual text (matn) or in thechain of narrators (sanad), as is the case with many historical narrations.Therefore, we have raised some queries, as have been raised by some scholarsin the past (may Allah be satisfied with them) such as Sheikh al-Mufeed whoseems to question the miscarriage issue, even the existence of the pregnancy -although we disagree with him on the latter. However, we do not deny thatthese events may have taken place - as Sheikh Muhammad Husain Kashif al-Ghita' has done regarding beating her and slapping her cheek because denyingrequires as much proof as accepting. At any rate, what is definite is that thenumerous narrations attain the level of mutawatir as a whole, confirm thatthere was an assault on her if only by exposing her house, attacking it andthreatening to burn it - and this alone should be sufficient to prove the degreeof crime which took place. It was a crime that continued to haunt those whocommitted it, and this was why the first caliph declared as he was dying: 'I wishI had not exposed the house of Fatimah, even if it had declared war on me.'
Source: Fatimah al-Ma`sumah (as): A role model for men and women.
Question and AnswerQuestion:Fatimah's rib: What is your true position regarding this matter?Answer:Anyone who claims that I have said that Fatimah's rib was not broken is a liar!Some people have been talking this nonsense for more than five years. Here, Ihave this to say to you, to clarify the matter: to start with, I reiterate that I didnot say that Fatimah's rib was not broken, and everyone who claims that I didis a liar. I merely regarded it as unlikely; I raised a question mark on the basis of historical analysis. I said: 'I do not react positively with this because theMuslims' love for Fatimah (as) had been greater than their love for Ali, andgreater than their love for al-Hasan and al-Husain... I said that it was unlikelythat anyone would commit such an act, but conceded that bad intentions were plotted - not to establish the innocence of anyone, but in fear of agitatingIslamic public opinion.There were many narrations: some said that they entered the house, whileothers said they did not. Hence, I said: 'I see that to be unlikely and I do notreact positively to the word itself'. The world roared and heavens fell on earth,and words began to be fabricated and spread in some quarters!This reaction has still not abated in more than one place, and leaflets are beingdistributed around the world. It is as if the dangers confronting the Muslimsand all the injustice that we live in have become nothing, and all that matters isthis historical issue!In fact, this is a symptom of the backwardness which is being practised bymany in our Islamic arena. This problem still festers among those who do notcare about the dangers which confront Islam, and that the problem is still alivemeans that we are not addressing the major issues on the proper level of awareness.
Source: Fatimah al-Ma`sumah (as): A role model for men and women

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Hafiz Ibn Hazam remarks on Yazid bin Muawiya

Great scholar and  Mujtahid Hafiz Ibn Hazm Undalasi in the translation of Yazid bin Muawiya describing the character of Yazid . He remarks:

                 وكان قبيح الآثار في الإسلام؛قتل أهل المدينة، وأفاضل الناس، وبقيّة الصحابة- رضي الله عنهم- يوم الحرة، في آخر دولته؛ وقتل الحسين- رضي الله عنه- وأهل بيته في أول دولته؛ وحاصر ابن الزبير- رضي الله عنه- في المسجد الحرام، واستخفّ بحرمة الكعبة والإسلام

Hafiz Ibn Hazm says that in the era of Islam the character of Yazid is extremely bad because He in last days of his monarchist reign on the day of event of Harra massacred people of Madina in which there were also virtuous learned people and rest group of Companions (ra) . Similarly Yazeed in the beginning of his monarchistic reign killed Imam Hussain (as) and his Ahlul Bait (as) and then He not only besieged Companion of  Prophet (saw) Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair in Bait-ullah but he looked down upon Khana Kaabah and sanctity of Islam and violated it.

Jahmra't  Insabb al-Arab  Page 77 Publisher, Dar al-Kutb Ilmiya Beirut

Researched by Brother Ismael Deobandi ,Translation and Scan Provided by Imamia Revealing the Truth

Friday, 23 August 2013

Mosquito's Blood

Mosquito's Blood

حدثنا موسى بن إِسماعيل، حدثنا مهدي، حَدثنا ابن أَبي يعقوب، عن ابن أَبي نعم، قَال: كنت شاهدًا لأبن عمر، وسأله رجل عن دم البعوض، فَقَال: ممن أَنت؟ فَقَال: من أَهل العراق، قَال: انظروا إِلَى هذا يسألني عن دم البعوض، وقد قَتلوا ابن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وسمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: هما ريحانتاي من الدنيا ۔
Narrated Ibn Abi Na'm:
I was present when a man asked Ibn `Umar about the blood of mosquitoes. Ibn `Umar said, "From where are you?" The man replied. "From Iraq." Ibn `Umar said, "Look at that! he is asking me about the blood of Mosquitoes while they (the Iraqis ) have killed the (grand) son of the Prophet. I have heard the Prophet saying, "They (Hasan and Husain) are my two sweet-smelling flowers in this world."

Sahih Bukhari Book: 78, Hadith: 6060[Narrated%20by%20%27Abdur%20Rahman%20bin%20Abi%20Na%27m%20%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%AD%D9%85%D9%86%20%D8%A8%D9%86%20%D8%A3%D8%A8%D9%8A%20%D9%86%D8%B9%D9%85]

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Investigation and Probation of a chain-less Hadith Kudsi.

Investigation and Probation of a chain-less Hadith Kudsi.

There are also some narrations and Ahadiths which are famous and common among people. One of those is Hadith Kudsi which is very famous among people even people have started its advertisement campaigns with full swing and This Hadith is also pasted regularly in Mosques (Masajids) and different public places .Utmost pity on those Ulemas who narrate these unauthentic and fabricated ahadeeth on pulpits.الأمان و الحفیظ

Among ancient Scholars Hakeem Tirmizi was first to quote this chain-less hadeeth therefore the basic origin and first source of this hadith is the book of Hakeem Tirmizi i.e. Nawadur al-Usool (نوادر الأصول)

Hakeem Tirmizi quote:

قَال الله تعالَى لداود علَيه السلَام تريد وأريد ويكون ما أريد فَإذا أردت ما أريد كفيتك ما تريد ويكون ما أريد وإذا أردت غير ما أريد عنيتك فيما تريد ويكون ما أُريد

ALLAH Almighty said to Hazrat Dawood (David) O my servant ! One is Your wish and one is Mine.If you sacrifice your wish over my wish then I will conserve you in your wish and only that will happen which I will want and If you will not sacrifice your wish over My wish then I will make you tired in your wish and only that will happen which I will want.

Nawadar al-Usool Al hakeem al-Tirmzi Vol  2 Page 107 Publisher Daar al-Jaleel Beirut.

In addition to this, this Hadith Kudsi has been quoted with no chain in following secondary sources

Almarqa fi Sharah al-Mishkaat (Allama Ali Alqari al-Hanfi)

Tafsir Rooh al-Bayan (Ismael Haqi bin Mustafi al-Istanboli - al-Hanfi)

Qowat al-Qaloob fi Mamla't al-Mehboob (Muhammad bin Ali bin Atya al-Harsi)

Hashia al-Saawi Ali al-Sharah al-Sagheer(Abi al-Abass Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Khalooti)

Ihya al-Uloom al-Deen (Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Toosi)

''Nawadar al-Usool'' is the most ancient book among those in which this hadith kudsi has been narrated . In later books this Hadith has been narrated from this book.

Book ''Nawaadar al-Usool'' is the compilation of Hakeem Tirmizi. Some people may become doubtful due to the name of Hakeem Tirmizi i.e. By Hakeem Tirmizi It means Hakeem Tirmizi whose famous book Sunan Tirmizi is included in Sihah Sitta but it should be clear that these two personalities are different.The name of prominent Muhadith is Abu Eesa Muhammad bin Eesa al-Tirmizi and name of Hakeem Tirmizi is Aboo Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali bin al-Hassan al-Hakeem al-Tirmizi .

This Hadith Kudsi seems to be fabricated apparently because no chain is included in the above mentioned books in which this Hadith is narrated. From this it is at least proved that this Hadith Kudsi has no credential therefore it is mandatory to refrain from narrating and stating this Hadith until its authentic chain is not known and is necessary so that the stage of lying upon ALLAH and his Prophet (asws) may not reach because lying upon ALLAH and His prophet (saw) is forbidden and a greater sin.

Wa’ Salam

 Researched by Ismael Deobandi and Translated by Imamia Revealing the Truth

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Sheikh Al-Bani's belief regarding appearance of Imam Mahdi (as)

Sheikh Al-Bani's belief regarding appearance of Imam Mahdi (as)

Sheikh Al-Bani says that belief regarding appearance of Imam Mahdi (as) is proven from sahih hadiths and mutawatir akhbars;

وخلاصة القول: إن عقيدة خروج المهدي عقيدة ثابتة متواترة عنه - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - يجب الإيمان بها لأنها من أمور الغيب، والإيمان بها من صفات المتقين كما قال تعالى: الم ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه هدى لِلْمتقين الذين يؤمنون بالغيب. وإن إنكارها لا يصدر إلا من جاهل أو مكابر. أسأل الله تعالى أن يتوفانا على الإيمان بها وبكل ما صح في الكتاب والسنة

موسوعة الألباني في العقيدة // المجلد 9 // الصفحة 278 // مركز النعمان للبحوث والدراسات الإسلامية

 Its authenticity is free from any doubt.Therefore, It is mandatory to hold this belief because the belief of appearance of Mahdi (as)  is from unseen affairs and to believe in unseen is one of the attribute of pious servants of Allah as mentioned in surat baqra هدی للمتقين الذين يؤمنون الغيب and only an ignorant , arrogant rebellious person can reject the belief of appearance of Mahdi (as). We pray to Allah that may we depart (from world) while believing in appearance of mehdi likewise may Allah keep us steadfast on the beliefs which are proven from Quran and sahih Hadiths till our departure (from world)

al-Bani fi'l Aqidah Vol No 9 Page No 278 Markaz al-Numan lilbahus wa al-Darsat al-Islamiya

It was thread of Brother Ismeal Deobandi translated and Scans provided by Imamia Revealing the Truth

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

اہلسنت کی کارستانیاں

السلام علیکم

اہلسنت کی کارستانیاں

حضرت اہل تسنن کا طرز تحریر اور اس فن میں انکی کارستانیاں چند قسم پر منقسم ہیں

جاننا چاہیے کہ طرز تحریر اور کارستانی مناظرین اہل تسنن چند اقسام پر منقسم ہے

1 کھبی عبارت کتاب شیعہ کو وہ بذریعہ قطع و برید فقرہ مطلوبہ نقل کر کے اس حصہ کو چھوڑ دیتے ہیں جس میں اس عبارت کو کسی مولف سنی کی طرف منسوب کیا گیا ہوتا ہے۔اور اس کتاب شیعہ میں بغرض تردید یا نقل اختلاف اقوال درج ہوتی ہے اور یا سیاق و سباق اس فقرہ میں اس منقول کا تشریحی معنی متضمن رد موجود ہوتا ہے۔ناقلین اس تصرف بیجا سے یہ فائدہ اٹھاتے ہیں کہ اس عبارت کو شیعہ عالم کی مسلمہ و معتقدہ عبارت یا حدیث امام عوام کے سامنے ظاہر کر کے شیعہ کی زبانی فضائل ثلاثہ وغیرہ ثابت کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔عوام کیا سمجھیں کہ اس میں کیا راز پوشیدہ ہے جانتے ہیں جب کتاب شیعہ میں یہ عبارت لکھی ہے ضرور ان کی مسلم اور ان پر حجت ہوگی۔ اور جو معانی یہ لوگ بیان کر رہے ہیں یہ صیح ہیں

2 کبھی اس عبارت منقولہ کی لفظی یا معنوی تحریف کر کے دھوکہ دیکر غلط بیانی سے فائدہ اٹھاتے ہیں۔

3 کبھی حدیث واردمورد تقیہ و توریہ سے برخلاف سینکڑوں احادیث صیحیہ متواترہ آئمہ علہیم السلام کے فریب دیتے ہیں۔۔جو اصول مرویہ آئمہ ع کے خلاف ہے

4۔ کبھی حدیث وار مورد و توریہ سے معنیٰ مقصود کے خلاف وہ معنیٰ ظاہر کر کے فائدہ اٹھاتے ہیں جو حقیقی مراد آئمہ ع کے خلاف ہوتا ہے

5 کبھی سنیوں کے کتاب کی عبارت نقل کر کے اس کو اس کے ہمنام کتاب شیعہ کی طرف منسوب کر دیتے ہیں، تاکہ عوام اس عبارت کو کتاب شیعہ کی عبارت سمجھکر برخلاف مذہب امامیہ حجت پکڑیں، جیساکہ کشف الغمہ و فضول المہمہ مشترک نام کی کتابیں شیعہ اور سنی میں مروج ہیں۔

6 کبھی کبھی فرضی کتاب کا نام لکھر شیعہ کی طرف منسوب کر کے اپنے مدعا کے مطابق ایک فرضی عبارت لکھر فریب دیتے ہیں، حالانکہ فی الحقیقت اس نام کی کوئی کتاب شیعہ مذہب میں موجود ہی نہیں ہوتی ہے۔جیسے شرح نہج البلاغہ منسوب بہ سلطان محمود طبسی اصفہانی ہے جسکو ہم نے بہت کتب خانوں اور مجتہدین سے دریافت کیا مگر پتہ نہ نہیں چلتا۔ اور جیسے حجاج السالکین نام کی کتاب سے شخین کا جناب سیدہ معصومہ علیہا السلام سے رضامند ہوجانا نقل کرتے ہیں۔ چنانچہ تحفہ اثنا عشریہ اور مجمع الاوصاف وغیرہ میں نقل در نقل ہوتا چلا آتا ہے۔

7۔ منجملہ یکسدات اہل تسنن یہ بھی ہے کہ کسی کتاب غیر معتبر ماتم و مرثیہ یا تورایخ شیعہ سنی کوئی روایت ضعیف نقل کرکے لکھ دیتے ہیں لشیعہ کی اصح الکتب یا بڑی معتبر کتاب شیعہ میں لکھا ہے حالانکہ اصح الکتب کا قانون اہل تسنن کا خود ساختہ ہے ۔ہمارا مسلم نہیں ۔اور غیر معتبر کو قرار دینا ان کی دھوکہ دہی ہے۔ ہم تو کتاب معتبر کا ہر لفظ بلا تنقید وتطبیق و دیگر احادیث بھی تسلیم نہیں کرتے ۔چہ جائیکہ کسی کتاب کو اصح الکتب مان کر اسکے ہر لفظ کو صیح تسلیم کیا جائے۔

ہاں کتاب اللہ ایک ایسی کتاب ہے جو ہر ایک مسلمان پر بلا تنقید حجت ہوسکتی ہے۔ لہذا ان وہابیوں دیوبندیوں کی سب مکاریوں و غداریوں سے شیعان جناب امیر کو ہوشیار رہنا چاہیے۔

التماس دعا

خاکپائے اہلبیت علیھم السلام

شیعہ ڈیفنس

Friday, 15 March 2013

Supereminency of Imam Sadiq (as)

Supereminency of Imam Sadiq (as)

Hafiz Mazee has narrated from the method of Ibn Aqda'a in the translation of Imam Sadiq (as) . Amro bin Ibn Abi al-Maqdam says I used to recognise that Jafar bin Mohammad (as) is among the children of Prophets (asws) whenever I looked towards Jafar bin Mohammad (as). likewise in other tradition Saleh bin Abu al-Asud has narrated that I heard Jafar bin Mohammad (as) saying ''سلونی قبل أن تفقدونی" ask me before you may not find me because verily after me no one will tell you such traditions which I do.

Tahdheeb al-kamal fi' Isma al- Rijal volume 2, page 279

It was translated thread of Brother Ismael Deobandi

Saturday, 2 March 2013

The martyrdom of imam nisai by the hands of nawasib

The martyrdom of imam nisai by the hands of nawasib

Opponent's school not only adopted every mean to conceal or to make the traditions of virtues of Hazrat Ali(as) weak rather they established records in negating hierarchies of pure ahlul bait (as) alongwith with distorting their virtues and forgery and it was not sufficient even the companions and tabi'een who narrated traditions of sunnah were tormented and even more ironically the enemies of ahlul bait tortured

muhaditheen and fuqha for the open propagation of merits of the progeny of Holy Prophet (saw) and great muhaditheen imam hakim nishapuri was detained in his own house and among these scholars and muhaditheen was one of the respectful and honorable muhadith imam nisai whose sunan nisai is also included in sihah sitta and this book is enough to comprehend the level of his knowledge

and his importance in hadith.Imam nisai was also tortured publically for describing the virtues of hazrat Ali (as) and got martyred while getting wounded.We see the detail of martyrdom of imam nisai in translation book in following manner;
you(imam nisai) in your last days of life left for hajj and enemies wrote a book on the merits of hazrat Ali (as) while living among enemies and this book is well-known by the name ''khsais Ali''.

In this book he has narrated much of the traditions from imam Ahmed bin hanbal .The people of syria disliked his this book.

Regarding this book imam Nisai himself writes:

when i entered damascus there the people who deviated from hazrat Ali (as) were more in number.While considering this ,

I wrote this book and i hope God will guide them through this book.

Imam Nisai delivered a sermon in damascus in which he described the traditions in the merits of hazrat Ali (as) but people of syria could not bear the merits of hazrat Ali (as) and asked imam nisai:
''wont you narrate the traditions regarding merits of hazrat muaviya?''

imam nisai answered:

which hadith should i narrate regarding the merit of muawiya?should i narrate this hadith:

لا اشبع اللہ بطنھ " may ALLAH never fill the tummy of muaviya.

questioners got silent upon this answer of imam nisai and then they said "is there no other hadith narrated in the merit of muaviya?

imam nisai said , if muaviya get rid off(means get salvation) then it is enough for him , not even a question arises for his merit.

on hearing this the people attacked imam nisai and he received serious injuries and was fainted and then he was threw away from the mosque.From there imam nisai was taken to ''Ramllah'' where he got martyred due to unhealed wounds.

Hafiz abu naim says : imam nisai died due to those wounds''
daarqutni says: imam nisai was tested in damascus and he attained martyrdom and this event occured in 303 hijri.

your prayers are needed.

A trivial slave of ahlul bait.

shia defence

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Khalid bin Walid was a Nasibi (hypocrite)

Khalid bin Walid was a Nasibi (hypocrite)

As we know the defeinataion of a Nasbi and Munafiq  Only believers love Ali(as) and hypocrites and nasbi will dislike Imam Ali(as) ,There were many peoples who had grudge with Ahul Bait a.s , and Khalid bin Waleed was one of them , As we find his mentality possessed by Khalid by citing other incident but Let me share one of them

first is chain from khasais-e-ali, nisai

( أخبرنا ) أحمد بن شعيب ، قال : أخبرنا واصل بن عبد الاعلى الكوفي ، عن ابن فضيل ، عن الاجلح ، عن عبد الله بن بريدة عن ابيه قال : بعثنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى اليمن مع خالد ابن الوليد ، وبعث عليا رضي الله عنه على جيش آخر ،

وقال : إن التقيتما فعلي كرم الله وجهه على الناس ، وان تفرقتما فكل واحد منكما على جنده . فلقينا بني زيد من اهل اليمن وظفر المسلمون على المشركين ، فقاتلنا المقاتلة وسبينا الذرية ، فاصطفى علي جارية لنفسه من السبي ، وكتب بذلك خالد بن الوليد إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأمرني أن أنال منه .

قال : فدفعت الكتاب إليه ونلت من علي رضي الله عنه

فتغير وجه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وقال : لا تبغضن يا بريدة لي عليا ، فان عليا مني وأنا منه وهو وليكم بعدي


buraida narrates that holy prophet sent us yemen along with khalid and sent ali with another army; and said if the two armies combine, ali will be the chief; and if not, both will be under command of the respective chiefs; we combined at bani zabid at yemen; and muslim got victory over kafirs; we fought and killed and captured many; ali selected a woman for himself; khalid bin waleed wrote to prophet asws adn told me to take that letter to him; so i presented that to him, and told him about ali; his facial expression changed, and he said
“do not have grudge for ali o buraida, no doubt, he is from me and i am from him and he is wali after me

abu ishaq haweeni athari says : isnaad hasan [page 78]

i quoted this hadeeth before the hadeeth which has sahih chain,[ and both ishaq hawweni and baloshi said this] just because, there we do not find any names; we just find that there were four people who decided to speak against ali asws;
and same buraida is the narrator

let me now give a sahih proof of his jealousy

we find in Musnad Ahmad

حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبي ثنا وكيع ثنا الأعمش عن سعد بن عبيدة عن بن بريدة عن أبيه انه مر على مجلس وهم يتناولون من على فوقف عليهم فقال انه قد كان في نفسي على علي شيء وكان خالد بن الوليد كذلك

Buraida narrated from his father that he passed by a group of people abusing Ali, he stopped there and said: ‘There is something in myself against Ali as is the stance of Khalid bin al-Walid

تعليق شعيب الأرنؤوط : إسناده صحيح على شرط الشيخين

Authentification by Shu'aib al-Arnaout: Authentic as per  standrad of Sheikhain( Bukhari et Muslim).

Source: Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Tome 38, Page 122:

Imam of Salafies Nasiruddun Al-Albaani mention in his book Silsila Sahiha, Volume 4 page 249.

and Wasiullah bin mohammad Abbas said “Isnaad Sahih”

Ibn Tamiya verified there were some people who had grudge with Hazrat Ali

ولم يكن كذلك علي ، فإن كثيرا من الصحابة والتابعين كانوا يبغضونه ويسبونه ويقاتلونه

"In truth, many Sahaba and Taba'een  hatred and insult Hazrat Ali

Source: Minhaj al-Sunnah, Vol 11, Page 137-138:

and we find

حديث آخر : قال عبد الرزاق : أنا الثوري ، عن الأعمش ، عن عدي بن ثابت ، عن زر بن حبيش قال : سمعت عليا يقول : والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة إنه لعهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلي : " إنه لا يحبك إلا مؤمن ولا يبغضك إلا منافق "

Ali said: By Him Who split the seed and created the soul, the Prophet  gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me. "
Source: al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah, Vol 11 Page 85
Perhaps he was a good general but I add he was a rapist too.

But It's simple we find that Khalid Ibn al-Walid and several other Sahaba and  Tabi'een were the hypocrites of Nawasib.

Let's see what the Qur'an says about these hypocrites:

   إن المنافقين في الدرك الأسفل من النار ولن تجد لهم نصيرا

Surely the hypocrites shall be in the lowest depth of the Fire and you shall find none to come to their help

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Ibn taimiah repented before his death

Ibn taimiah repented before his death

This is from the book "durar al-kaminah " by sheikh ibn hajar al-asqalani(rah):

ولم يزل ابن تيمية في الجب إلى أن شفع فيه مهنا أمير آل فضل فأخرج في ربيع الأول في الثالث وعشرين منه وأحضر إلى القلعة ووقع البحث مع بعض الفقهاء فكتب عليه محضر بأنه قال أنا أشعري ثم وجد خطه بما نصه الذي اعتقد أن القرآن معنى قائم بذات الله وهو صفة من صفات ذاته القديمة وهو غير مخلوق وليس بحرف ولا صوت وأن قوله { الرحمن على العرش استوى } ليس على ظاهره ولا أعلم كنه المراد به بل لا يعلمه إلا الله والقول في النزول كالقول في الاستواء وكتبه أحمد بن تيمية ثم أشهدوا عليه أنه تاب مما ينافي ذلك مختارا وذلك


في خامس عشري ربيع الأول سنة 707 وشهد عليه بذلك جمع جم من العلماء وغيرهم وسكن الحال وأفرج عنه وسكن القاهرة

It says : and ibn taimiah stayed in the well until "muhanna" the prince of "bani fadhl" interceded in his favor so he was released in the month of "rabi al-awal" on the 23rd day of it and he was taken to the fortress and there was a quest with some scholars (fuqaha) and a written statement was recorded that he (ibn taimiah) said : i am an ash'ari then a statement with his own handwriting was found where he said : i believe that the quran is a meaning established in the "dhaat" of allah and it is one of its old attributes of the "dhaat" of Allah and it's not created and not a letter or a voice. and that allah's saying : "The Beneficent One, Who is established on the Throne" should not be interpreted according to appearance and i don't know its exact meaning and allah alone knows it and the view about descending is like that of establishment (upon the throne he means) then ibn taimiah wrote it and and they testified upon him that hbe repented from what contradicts this on the 15th of "rabi al-awal" 707 hijri and a big number of scholars were witnesses...

So even the spiritual leader of salafis repented and if he didn't then isn't this taqyyah ? anyway ibn taimiah was never imprisoned for such beliefs afterwards but was imprisoned for other fiqhi reasons .

Translation by Brother Wasil and Scans Provided by Imamia Revealing the Truth